Our Mission

Here at Infinitely More Life we exist so you remember you are not alone. We are here to walk hand-in-hand with you through life’s ups and downs. Our mission: To inspire, encourage, and support growth – emotionally, spiritually, financially– through sharing our stories of “trauma leading into triumph”. 

We believe that you are created in the image of God for Infinitely More Life. 

DREAMING!  We work on mindsets to turn those negatives in your life into positives. And then dream with God and what He has for you in your life! 

LEARN!  Find resources that you need to make your God dreams come true! Part of this is learning who you are in Christ and so much more! 

FLY!  Be successful, mentor others, and maybe even join our team!


We share the love of Jesus with our audience through Bible study, Conferences, Podcasts, daily Facebook and Instagram posts, and FB private personal community. All to help encourage you in your faith and grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus. While sharing God’s transforming power both in our lives and in the lives of our girls and babies in Kenya. 

Do You Know Jesus?

It's our prayer at Infinitely More Life for you to have an life-changing encounter with Jesus and put your faith and hope in Him. On this website, we talk about all the promises and attributes available to us in Christ. 

We invite you that if you don't know who Jesus is to simply pray a special prayer and let him transform your life, just has He has our speaking team. 

Jesus wants to forgive your sins and give you NEW LIFE in Him. 

Dear Father God, 

Thank you for sending your son Jesus to die for my sins. I love you. I need you. I know that I cannot do this on my own. I'm sorry for leaving you out of my life. I'm sorry for my sins and the mistakes that I have made.  I invite you to come into my heart and life today. I surrender my life to you. 

I believe you sent Jesus to die on the cross for my sins and that He rose again. From this day forward, I want to love you and know you more. I want to know you as my Father and not just my Savior but as the one who created me in your image for such a time as this.  Thank you for reminding me that I Am Enough in You. I love you, Amen

If you prayed this prayer, we'd love to help you grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus. Email us at infinitelymorelife@gmail.com and we will get you started in our foundational classes right away.