Falling In Love With Jesus Online Retreat
A Fall Retreat Designed with YOU In Mind
As women, the weight of the world is heavy on our hearts and spirits. Every day we face overwhelming challenges.
Health, relationships, and finances are often difficult to navigate. Sadly, fear, anxiety and stress threaten to overcome us, leaving us discontent, disconnected and even full of dread.
Are you feeling this burden, too? Want relief? Let’s move together from a desert-filled mindset to the nutrient-rich soil of the Kingdom. Be replanted, with deep roots, in connection and contentment with Jesus.
His love can sustain you, His wisdom can guide you, and His provision can take care of your every need.
The Falling in Love with Jesus Retreat focuses on HOPE, encouragement and inspiration! Prepare your spirit and mind to be transformed through our passionate ENC (Eagles Nest Church) worship team. Plus gain valuable insight on planting, growing and harvesting the blessings in your life via our incredible, dynamic speaker lineup!
Let God PLANT you, GROW you, and be ready to HARVEST all the blessings God has for you, with CONFIDENCE that only He can bring!
All of this is available to you ANYWHERE you are!
Simply join our amazing speakers online as you RENEW your covenant with Jesus. NOW is the time to REVIVE the identity that God has created in you! Return to your first love and “Fall in Love with Jesus” all over again. Expect to receive inspiration, encouraging tools, and more, to transform YOUR life.
Last year’s conference was miraculous, with the Holy Spirit demonstrating richness and glory in our attendees' lives! You do not want to miss the outpouring the Holy Spirit has for you!
Celebrate being a member of The Kingdom and making an impact in the world, without leaving home!
Your Ticket Purchase Benefits
Mercy’s Light Family, a maternity home in Mombasa, Kenya is funded and functioning because of generous, kingdom building financial partners. That’s YOU! Your financial participation in this event is meeting a desperate need for Transformational Housing for girls and their babies that are aging out of our program as of January 1, 2022.
Transformational Housing will provide an additional 9-months of independent living and vocational skills, to our girls who are unable to return home due to unsafe living environments or being orphaned from their families. All our girls endured horrific sexual trauma, many within their family homes.
Eve and her 1-year old baby Elena have been with us for just over a year. Now at 18 she must leave our center by January. Eve is unable to participate in the full length of our 3-year program as she has aged out.
Her family has rejected her because of her pregnancy, and she is unable to return home. Because of the trauma and emotional counseling, she has received at Mercy's Light Family she has been able to talk about her sexual trauma. Her eyes are filled with tears when she shares she has nowhere to call home.
With your ticket your purchase and generous financial partnership to Mercy’s Light Family YOU give Eve HOPE!
You provide her with a safe home, while she establishes her business to support herself and little Elena. This also serves as a bonded community for all our young moms in similar circumstances to “choose” a forever family!
You don’t want to miss out on this amazing opportunity!
A long weekend packed full of dynamic, engaging speakers who not only share HOPE, confidence, and inspiration, leading to empowerment and victory but show you how to access all this for yourself as well!
Powerful, impactful, action-filled encouragement that resonates with women reigniting their passion for a Jesus centered life in these difficult times.
Lively, energizing keynote presentations with clear tips – and actionable steps to implement into your daily life. Workshop sessions full of wisdom and insight.
Spirit filled powerful worship.
WHAT: Join us at the Infinitely More Life's “Falling In Love with Jesus" Retreat. Invite your friends and sign up for all of this and more! Register today!
WHEN: September 23-25, 2021
You gain VIP access to our private group on FB, and watch via YouTube. Simply click on the link delivered to your inbox!
WHERE: ANYWHERE! You can choose:
At a coffee shop
the library
your friends living room
the comfort of your own home
All of this will be delivered to your computer or phone ONLINE!
WHY?: Because of all that 2020-2021 has taken, we all NEED restoration! Receive the true power, of Jesus’s love and rejoice in all "He is seeding in us, He is planting through us, and He is harvesting for us."
Let's begin "Falling in Love With Jesus" all over again.
What I found most inspiring was the raw testimony of not only the speakers, but those who attended, including the many vendors that were there. Hearing their stories of overcoming feelings of inadequacy, of how God reached down to them through His Word and His people to let them know they are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made, and they are enough in Him. - Melody
Experiencing first-hand how God is transforming lives here in the US and around the world.
I am overwhelmed with everything I experienced!! The Eagle's Nest Worship’s music spoke hand in hand with each topic offered by Keynote speakers! Every Keynote and Breakout Session speaker shared invaluable, honest, and thought-provoking information. - Jenny
Connection: Join our FB Group to experience authenticity and transparency on our FB live sessions! Virtually embracing others through positive interactions, UNITED TOGETHER!
There were so many 'A-Ha' moments throughout the day.... But for me one of the most powerful activities was having a box on stage for conference attendees to write words keeping them 'stuck' or feelings of not being 'ENOUGH'.... The final music 'Breaking the Chains' was incredibly powerful and freeing, and then the box was removed from the conference site and symbolically burned, thus releasing each person from their demons!!! - Dawne
The Express Pass
Only $37
30 day access to replays of our powerful and dynamic conference sessions.
Inspirational Falling In Love With Jesus Conference Guide - This beautifully designed 30-page guide is ready for you to collect, process and remember all you’ve learned on your new journey!
Be re-inspired by your own epiphanies and takeaways.
The Experience Pass
Only $67
All the above PLUS:
1 year access to the replays of our powerful and dynamic conference sessions.
Empowered for Victory Journal & Workbook: With this workbook’s encouraging journaling prompts and stirring questions you dig deeper into the victory God has for you. Featuring bonus clips from our February Empowered For Victory Conference for you to savor more amazing speakers and topics.
Scripture Victory Journal: In this graphically laid out 61-page journal you’re free to let your thoughts flow. With conquering scripture verses on every page, insightful journal prompts and thought provoking questions, you’ll be triumphantly rooted in God’s Word.
PLUS other special gifts and surprises to graft you deeper into God’s word as we head into the Fall and Christmas seasons:
I came to this conference because I felt overwhelmed and anxious about things happening in my life right now. Coming here reminded me of just how much Jesus loves me! I heard from wonderful ladies who have risen above their own inadequacies and saw just what Christ can do for them. If Christ can help them, then He can certainly help me. These women were very empowering. I loved the worship band and the breakout sessions, not to mention the wonderful shopping. - Lori